MicroSense Technologies Limited

Applicable to a broad range of food manufacturing processes, the team has demonstrated a prototype inline sensor and seeks commercial partners in the Food sector with an interest in using and further developing this technology through collaborative research & development, Joint venture or direct supply of sensor devices.
Key Benefits & Applications
No moving parts – robust device suited to harsh environments
Rapid detection of Water / solids content in flow lines
Easily installed in Transfer pipelines – on-line or as "stand alone" system
User friendly, real time data interpretation
Applicable to a broad range of road infrastructure conditions monitoring, the team has demonstrated a prototype non contact sensor and seeks commercial partners in the road infrastructure sector with an interest in using and further developing this technology through collaborative research & development, Joint venture or direct supply of sensor devices.
Key Benefits & Applications
No moving parts – suited to harsh road conditions and environments
Rapid detection of residual salt, residual brine, on a road surface, water content both on and within the road surface
Easily tailored for inspections of roads for dampness/wetness/ice or snow/residual brine or water films
Can also provide remaining service information life of existing road infrastructures through sub-surface inspections
User friendly, real time data interpretation